Web Developer

Welcome to my Portfolio


Web Design is my Passion

Hi my name is Ahmet Aslan,
I have previously done some contract jobs for the construction companies and run my business for 7 years with success here in London.
Meanwhile, I also enrolled in 2 years education in Fanshawe Collage but the work got in my way and could not complete it. Afterall, I have applied factory work which I was operating Linux Based molding machines specializing in custom Liquid Silicone Rubber moulding for health care and automotive industries. While I was working there, I realised that, it was always my desire to be working in computer field.
I never liked the idea giving up so one day I could do my dream job. I decided that it wasn’t for me then I enrolled in to my program (Enterprise Web & Mobile Development) at Trios Collage. Finally, I am a creative, positive and motivated learner who desires to become a best Web developer and wants to fit in a good work environment to turn my dreams into reality.

Web Design

Logo Design

Adobe PhotoShop

App Development

Creative Thinking

Time Management

Creative Design

Recently Done Project

School Work

Windows Game Design

Latest, Portfolio


Upcoming, Portfolio


Upcoming, Portfolio


Geralt,Kratos,Hellboy, Portfolio


Following, Portfolio

Jaguar Website

Following, Portfolio

Rog Website

Following, Portfolio

C# Project/MovieKnight

Upcoming, Portfolio

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